1. The Contractor declares that all personal information is confidential, will be used only for the purposes of performance of the Contract entered into by the Contractor and the Buyer and for the purposes of the Contractor’s marketing events, and will not be published in any way, disclosed to any third persons etc., with the exception of situations related to the distribution, system of payments relating to the ordered goods (mentioning the name, company’s name, DNI, VAT ID, address, phone number and email address), or comprehensive customer statistic information, the visit rate and turnover; however, such statistics will never include any information enabling to identify individual customers. The Contractor shall proceed in such a way so that the data subject does not suffer any harm to its rights, especially the right for human dignity; the Contractor shall further ensure protection against unauthorized infringement into the private and personal lives of the data subjects. Personal information provided voluntarily by the Buyer to the Contractor for the purposes of order fulfilment and the Contractor‘s marketing events is collected, processed and stored in accordance with the valid laws of the Czech Republic, in particular in compliance with Act No. 101/2000 Sb., on the Protection of Personal Data, as amended. The Buyer gives its consent to the Contractor to collect and process such personal data for the purpose of performance of the subject of the concluded Contract of Sale and for the Contractor‘s marketing purposes (esp. for sending commercial communications, telemarketing, SMS) until a written statement of disagreement has been sent by the Buyer to Miloslav Kubín, Kunín 256, 742 53 Kunín, Czech Republic. A written statement may also be submitted in an electronic form to info@kasirka.cz.
2. Moreover, the Contractor may, if such consent has been given, process the so-called "cookies" to facilitate the provision of services to information society in accordance with the provisions of Directive 95/46/EC concerning the purpose of "cookies" or similar tools, and ensure that users know information stored in the final terminals used by them. Users may refuse the storage of "cookies" or similar tools in their final terminals, e.g. by launching the functionality of anonymous browsing in their browser.